Leadership - It's about creating conditions so people can achieve outcomes
The word leadership is used in many different contexts and can be interpreted in many different ways, therefore clarity is important as a starting point to discuss leadership. Let’s start at the root of the word. In this case, lead which in earliest usage means “to guide,” so the literal translation of leadership is to have the characteristics of one who is able to guide . Building on this core root, we will use the following definition moving forward: To demonstrate leadership is to make it easier, accessible, or doable for an organized group of individuals to accomplish specific goals for themselves and the group they are a part of. While seemingly simple on the surface, this definition touches on a complex set of factors that must be considered when thinking about what leadership actually is. Leadership is a social process that happens within groups, and specifically groups that have been brought together for a specific and shared purpose (for example: to learn, to complete a task...