The More Mentality
Doing more with less is a financial construct. One which community benefit organizations feel backed into as they work to manage within an increasingly difficult economic climate. Ironically, it runs against our DNA. It is a construct we have allowed others to define us by. We work to build a system on infusion. By identifying what we believe a better world is, we rally our talent to find the resources necessary to make the change possible. And we deploy those resources in pursuit of betterness. Virtually every community benefit organization came into being with a More Mentality. They started with little and found those who had capacity to give (usually time, talent, and goods, NOT MONEY); engaged them, and went to work changing the world. Somewhere along the line, money and budgets became the defining factor, not the assets that were engaged early on. We went from asking "what can we use to make this work and who has it" to fretting "where can we get the money we need t...